also working to build a chapter of "Southern belles" so we can have a home group to welcome all you other girls when you're down our way.
The future? Personally, my brother and his wife are going to have a soiree this fall in the form of a costume party and I am going to attend. I'll let you know in a later report how this turns out. I am going to devote a lot of time to educating outsiders on what an FP is. I intend to translate some of the more important articles from TVia into Spanish and German. I am going to try to help develop with Sheila and others a better screening test for FP's. I am going to try to better myself in all the feminine ways. I am going to help my brother work hard to make his marriage stick. I am going to try to develop and eventually hope to manufacture and market, better pro- ducts specifically for FP's, such as shape-makers, wearing apparel, cosmetics, etc. I am going to continue with the facial electrolysis I've been having, since to my way of thinking our beards are our single biggest drawbacks, even worse handicaps than our voices. I am going to work hard to discourage other FP's from making the big switch, since I feel that our having both world's makes our lives so much richer, more fun and interesting. Last but not least, I am going to work hard to get legal acceptance or trans- vestism or at least legal recognition of transvestism per se and the difference between it and homosexuality.
A mountain of tasks ahead for Ann? Ah, dear reader, this is "Adventuring With Ann"! It is also what makes my life interesting. And don't forget there are two of us to do all this work; me and my brother!
Any of you that want to join in these adventures, however, can start by joining FPE. Collectively we can to places and do things.